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Designing transport networks

iso 9001

iso 14001

Minősített NATO

Designing a transport network is a task to be solved in time and space. The extension of a network and the determination of the hierarchy of the various road categories have to be determined on the basis of transport demands that vary in time. Developing a network means not only capacity increase, but also a constant improvement to the quality of transport and conveyance services.

The development of infrastructure networks - including global transport systems - will exert an influence on the long run and in a considerable field, determining the economic and social development and the environmental status of the given region. Each influence may be either positive, or negative, therefore, designing a network essentially means seeking for an optimum.

In the case of designing a transport network, seeking for an optimum is done:

  • In the distribution of work between the transport sub-sectors;
  • In a differentiated servicing of the settlement patterns;
  • In a rational handling of the traffic flows;
  • In proportioning bearing of burdens between the trunk network, expressways and the secondary roads;
  • In the necessary and sufficient degree of the network;
  • In the trends of costs for construction, maintenance and operation;
  • In the comparison of attainable economic benefits versus environmental impacts.

Retained by the Ministry of Transport, since the early 80,s UVATERV has been dealing with:

  • the development of the national road network;
  • the development of expressway network in Hungary; and
  • the development of secondary roads.

The latest results of science and techniques are applied in the work. Digital network modelling, continuously controlled and updated nation-wide O-D traffic matrices, traffic forecast derived from the medium and long term development trend of the national economy form the basic data. The distribution of traffic loads expected in various time spans in the network are analysed using up-to-date computer software that realistically handle a number of traffic parameters.

In the field of designing transport networks, UVATERV Ltd. has unparalleled experience and references in the field of transport network design in Hungary, and is capable of working out, supervising and evaluating development concepts for smaller and larger regions alike.






