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Application tips

iso 9001

iso 14001

Minősített NATO

How to make your application successful 

With the following tips, we would like to help you prepare your application and the personal interview.

Your application – A portfolio instead of a motivation letter

Your application is responsible for creating a positive first impression. The documents you send reveal a lot about your work method and education, and they play a decisive role in inviting us to an interview. Therefore, make sure that they are professional both in terms of form and content. Create a portfolio, with the help of which you can present the most important milestones of your career so far, of which you are really proud.

Personal interview – Be up to date

Come to the interview prepared! We are curious as to why you think you would be the most suitable for the position, based on your previous experience. Your portfolio will also be of great help in this regard.

What should you wear?

Would you like to wear your favorite elegant jeans and classic sneakers to the job interview? That's perfectly fine! We want you to feel comfortable, so the "Business Casual" dress code will be a perfect choice for the interview and later.



